all postcodes in PR2 / PRESTON

find any address or company within the PR2 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR2 2AD 1 1 53.769954 -2.718605
PR2 2AH 16 1 53.769053 -2.720088
PR2 2AJ 44 0 53.770863 -2.721503
PR2 2AL 10 0 53.768789 -2.719525
PR2 2AN 21 0 53.768308 -2.718452
PR2 2AP 45 0 53.770882 -2.72123
PR2 2AQ 71 1 53.768569 -2.718748
PR2 2AR 10 1 53.767433 -2.717803
PR2 2AS 38 0 53.767365 -2.718758
PR2 2AT 5 0 53.766987 -2.71734
PR2 2AU 5 5 53.767327 -2.717161
PR2 2AX 44 3 53.768857 -2.718431
PR2 2AY 19 2 53.770299 -2.718125
PR2 2AZ 1 1 53.75425 -2.708372
PR2 2BA 11 0 53.769631 -2.719949
PR2 2BB 33 8 53.769361 -2.722748
PR2 2BD 35 0 53.770635 -2.718995
PR2 2BE 49 0 53.771692 -2.719605
PR2 2BH 10 0 53.771168 -2.718474
PR2 2BJ 27 0 53.770687 -2.71933